Liebe Mitglieder der WAKO.
Leider muss ich euch heute eine traurige Mitteilung machen. Wie ich vor einigen Tagen erfahren habe, liegt unser Weltpräsident Ennio Falsoni im Krankenhaus. Sein Zustand ist ernst jedoch nicht hoffnungslos. Genaueres kann ich leider noch nicht mitteilen. Hier die offizielle Stellungnahme des Weltpräsidiums:
Monza, 20/03/2013
By the present we are deeply sorry to inform you all that our President Ennio Falsoni has been hospitalized since last Sunday morning, prognosis is reserved.
At the moment his conditions are serious but stable and we do hope they might improve more and more.
We kindly ask you to understand the delicate and difficult situation Falsoni’s family is living respecting their privacy on this particular moment.
For your information all WAKO events will go ahead regularly as according to the international activity calendar, WAKO Board and its Vice Presidents will guarantee their regular process.
In the meantime all the best wishes, prayers and hopes to our President for a prompt and good recovery!
WAKO Standing Committee